Sunset Point & Country Music

Before we arrived in Bryce Canyon we had read a blog of a local who recommended the Peekaboo trail, so that was our trail of choice today. This trail made its way across the Canyon and met up with the Navajo Trail we did yesterday. It took us 3-4 hours and definitely showed off the best of what Bryce Canyon had to offer. After we made it back to Sunset Point we headed back to our RV before heading into the little township to buy our tickets for tonight’s Country Show (Country Music Concert) at Ebenezer’s Barn and Grill. We bought our tickets from Ruby’s Inn which had a huge array of trophy stag heads in the main sitting area along with a congregation of Utah Mormons in their traditional attire.  The Tickets for the show included a buffet dinner, all the soft drink you can possibly drink, and the concert all for only $32 each (we couldn’t help but thinking that you would pay triple that for something similar in NZ).  The meal was huge and delicious, and the band was great (and yes, wagonwheel played! Aka, life complete!).

As coincidence would have it we were also here in Bryce Canyon for the 18th Annual Bryce Canyon Astronomy Festival. One of the features events of this year’s festival was a key note speaker by the name of Michelle Thaller, the Assistant Director of NASA.  Tickets to hear her speak were only $3 per person and the event was to be held immediately after the show at Ebenezer’s Barn and Grill. Trent was fizzing and thought this was an opportunity not to be missed, so we bought tickets immediately. She was thoroughly amazing and did an incredible talk on the formation of the universe, galaxies, and stars, and the possibility of finding proof of microbial life on other plants (she has also done a number of Ted Talks for anyone interested). All I (Steph) kept thinking about throughout the talk was how much my friend Selvi would love this. Whenever we went camping as a group at high-school Selvi would always be talking about the universe, how it was formed, and what else was possibly out there.

Bryce Canyon exceeded all of our expectations, it has such a beautiful landscape and made even better with all the additional quirks of this fascinating town.

Looking down into the canyon
Walking the Peekaboo Trail
Steph’s new appreciation for rocks
End of the Peekaboo Trail
Having a rest
Wall Street
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